Health and Beautiful

Can Dermal Fillers Treat Your Undereye Bags?

If you find yourself looking tired even after a restful night's sleep, your undereye bags may be to blame. Over time, the delicate skin beneath your eyes can begin to droop or become puffy. This, combined with discoloration and dark circles that can be common and even hereditary, can cause you to look older than your biological age. Fortunately, for many people, dermal fillers can provide a semipermanent way to treat puffy, baggy eyes. Learn more about dermal fillers and how to know whether you're a good candidate for this procedure. 

How Do Dermal Fillers Treat Undereye Bags?

Some undereye bags are caused by loss of volume in the skin and fat just beneath your eyes. This loss of volume creates a slight indentation that is always shrouded in shadow. And although concealer can hide dark circles, they can't fill in this indentation to get rid of the shadow.

Dermal fillers like hyaluronic acid can plump up this skin, filling in the indentation to create a smooth, seamless appearance. And because hyaluronic acid can be dissolved with an injectable enzyme, if you're unhappy with your results for any reason, you can reverse them within just a couple of days.

Hyaluronic acid filler doesn't provide a permanent solution to dark circles and undereye bags. Over time, this filler will dissolve and be harmlessly reabsorbed into your body. But filler that's used under your eyes tends to last longer than dermal filler used in "marionette lines" or to plump up lips.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dermal Fillers? 

Dermal fillers aren't right for everyone. If your undereye bags are caused by dark pigmentation, not hollow shadows, getting dermal filler may not yield the results you're seeking. Instead, you'll want to focus on skin-lightening treatments that can make your dark circles less pronounced. 

You'll also want to avoid having filler injected beneath your skin if you have a suppressed immune system. Introducing a foreign body into your face, even something as relatively harmless as hyaluronic acid, can cause an inflammatory response and compromise your immune system even further. Those who are taking blood thinners or who have bleeding problems should also steer clear of this treatment.

If you don't have any medical contraindications, it's often worth giving this procedure a shot. You may have some slight bruising after the injection, but this should fade within just a couple of days. Try to avoid alcohol and blood-thinning medication like NSAIDs during your recovery, and ice your skin if it feels sore.
